Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy

The thought of stopping smoking can be daunting for many people. Especially if you have smoked for a long time or you are not sure you will succeed to stop smoking. Perhaps you have quit before only to start again. Or you may feel cigarettes have been with you for so long it is like losing an old friend.

Well, a life free from smoking is a life of freedom. Better health, more money in your pocket, no need to worry if you have enough left for the rest of the night, no more being judged, no more bad breath and stinking clothes. No more huddling outside in the freezing cold just to get a fix.

Hypnotherapy helps you to change the belief running in your subconscious mind from ‘I am a smoker’ to ‘ I am a non smoker.’ In many ways it is as simple as that. I guide you into trance and access the part of you that creates the beliefs about yourself. This part is updated into the one you are now ready to become, being a non smoker. 

Hypnosis has been recognised by the British Medical Council as the most effective way to stop smoking. The most important consideration is whether you are determined to stop smoking forever. This can be a worrying thought as cigarettes may have been with you for many years. This is a common feeling and hypnosis really helps you to feel very differently about your relationship to tobacco.

Hypnotherapy works like an amplifier for your motivation and your will power. When you really want to do something, such as giving up smoking, then hypnotherapy can boost your motivation and the power of your will, all the way up to the level that you need to succeed. 

Ultimately it is you that stops smoking and hypnotherapy makes it much easier. You will be peacefully relaxed and aware of what is going on during the whole session. In fact, many clients report this is a relaxing experience and by the time the session is completed, you may find that the desire to smoke has mysteriously vanished.

The appointment lasts for approximately 2 hours and costs £225, which is the cost of about 16 packets of cigarettes at £14 each. This also includes the stop smoking reinforcement recording which you will be sent electronically at the end of the session. You may play this at any time to reinforce your commitment to remain a non-smoker forever.

Once we book an appointment I will e-mail you a questionnaire which you can return to me prior to the appointment. Then smoke your last cigarette before you come and prepare to enjoy life as a non smoker forever.

Should I Book a Stop Smoking Appointment?

How strong is your desire to Stop Smoking? On a scale of 1 to 10, if 10 is the strongest desire you can possibly have to stop and 1 is ‘I’d like to stop but don’t really want to’. If you score 8,9 or 10 out of 10, then go ahead and book a session.

If you score lower, it is best to have a chat with me before booking. It may be worth working on increasing you desire to Stop Smoking first before booking the Stop Smoking session.

“Thank you so much for my session last week. I'm pleased to tell you I've had a very good week as a happy non-smoker. I've had the odd brief panicky moment, but so far I've been able to quickly dispel any idea of wanting a cigarette using the techniques you taught me. Also - I've started the Headspace app - it's brilliant! Great recommendation - I think it's definitely going to help with my journey into meditation and will hopefully also help reinforce my decision to be a non-smoker forever. Thank you so much again for all of your efforts, I'm feeling pretty good and honestly think a new, positive chapter in life is opening up for me. Your work and your very gentle, happy and caring approach was just what I needed to open the door.”

Michael, London


Common Questions

  • A 2-hour session costs £250 and includes a Stop-Smoking Reinforcement audio recording.

  • Yes, and it is one of the most pleasant and natural therapies available! It puts you in charge of your own mind and outcomes with only positive side effects. The evidence for hypnotherapy being an effective tool for emotional healing as well as pain control and physical healing is well documented. Even today in Charring Cross Hospital, the NHS is showing that Hypnotherapy can help cancer patients successfully deal with anxiety, panic attacks, fear, stress, pain management, sleeping problems, radio and chemotherapy treatment and many other psychosomatic and psychological complaints.  Hypnotherapy techniques are also used at Charring Cross Hospital to boost patients’ immune system thus aiding the fight against cancer and helping the healing process.

  • Every human has a series of beliefs running in their subconscious mind. Some are helpful beliefs, but others are unhelpful. Unhelpful beliefs can cause: sadness, depression, low confidence, addictive behaviours, fear of flying, etc. All these beliefs are kept in place by what is known as the Conscious Critical Faculty. Once you decide to change an unhelpful belief, I will assist you to bypass the Conscious Critical Faculty and replace unwanted beliefs with new healthy and helpful beliefs. This is a powerful and often life changing experience as you can begin to notice changes immediately.

    Hypnotherapy is a natural and safe process and is often quite enjoyable. In fact, most clients report feeling calm, positive and relaxed at the end of a session.

  • Most clients report a deep state of relaxation and peaceful sensations. Under Hypnotherapy, the body relaxes and the mind often experiences either a laser like focus or can drift in and out of deep relaxation. Many clients say that hypnosis can feel like going to bed after a long day. 

  • Clients often hear and remember what is said in the session. During Hypnosis you are Awake and Aware and have Control of everything you say and do. It is a safe and natural state which you can choose to enter, or come out of, at any time you wish. The Hypnotherapy session is always controlled by  You, the Hypnotherapist only plays a guiding role.

If you have any questions on how a session can be of benefit to your specific situation, or would like to chat, please contact me and I will be happy to help. 


  • If you are highly motivated to stop smoking, it is a single 2-hour session.

  • Almost anyone can be hypnotised as long as they want to be. Hypnosis is just a form of relaxation and focused attention called a hypnotic trance. Most people experience a hypnotic trance many times a day.  For example, when driving on auto pilot and you realise you have arrived and don't remember the route you took to get there. Another example is when you are completely engrossed in reading a book and you loose track of time. Or when you are completely engrossed watching television and you do not hear others around you. 

    Everyone has daydreamed at some point in their lives, and has “drifted off somewhere”. This is similar to a light form of hypnotic trance.

    Different people may experience different levels of trance and you do not need to be deep for the session to be effective. 

  • Yes, you are aware of what is happening during hypnosis as you are simply in a relaxed state of focus. However, some people report forgetting some of the experience as it was simply nicer to just enjoy being so relaxed. The session will be recorded and a copy given to you.

  • Yes, those under the influence of drugs or alcohol or suffering from severe mental illness, which include clinical depression, psychosis, schizophrenia and also epilepsy. If you are unsure whether this may apply to you, it is always advisable to seek medical advice from your G.P.

  • I am a certified Hypnotherapist and Trainer teaching students to become Hypnotherapists and Regression Therapists. I am a member of the General Hypnotherapist Register (GHR) and Spiritual Regression Therapist Association (SRTA) and Member of the Earth Association of Regression Therapy (EARTh).